By Ministerial Decree n. 251/2016, the Ministry of University and Research has authorized the International Academy of Theatre to issue the title of First Level Academic Diploma in Acting (DADPL02). The International Academy of Theatre is therefore currently the only Italian theatre institute, together with the "Silvio D'Amico" Academy and the "Paolo Grassi" School of Theatre, to issue the title of First Level Academic Diploma in Acting equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree for competitive examination purposes according to Law 228/12. In the accreditation process, begun in 2012, the authorization was preceded by positive opinions expressed by the Directing Council of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR) and the Evaluation Commission of educational regulations.

In the evaluation by the MIUR, verification criteria were applied that specifically examined the curricula of the teachers, the correspondence of the educational regulations and teaching disciplines to the educational objectives, the target audience of graduated students and those enrolled in courses, the distinctive and unique elements compared to similar AFAM sector institutions, the educational-artistic initiatives and programmatic agreements with national and international work environments in order to activate internships, and lastly, the standards of the infrastructure in terms of compliance with current regulations both from an architectural and equipment standpoint.

On June 5, 2014, the delegation of the Directing Council of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and research (ANVUR) conducted a verification at the premises of the International Academy of Theatre.

Following this visit and the review of the documentation on file, the delegation found the following:

"The buildings owned by the Municipality of Rome located in Salita San Gregorio are situated in a very picturesque green area, with an educational vocation. The premises in via Latina, the facilities and the equipment fully meet the objectives. In particular, the spacious and bright rooms and the technologically advanced structures offer students the opportunity to perform the practical and theoretical exercises provided in the educational plan.
The equipment, in turn, meets the needs of the study program". (THEATRE ACADEMIES / ACTING SCHOOLS).
"The Academy combines purely practical teachings, especially acting, with others of theoretical training, and also provides technical and organizational skills for staging performances. The teachers, prominent figures in the field of live entertainment, with extensive and proven experience also at the international level, are qualified to teach the offered courses and ensure an education adequate for university training. There are also numerous initiatives aimed at promoting the theatrical activity of the students through workshops, rehearsals, and performances open to the public and the participation of students from Italian and foreign academies." (ACTING ACADEMIES / THEATRE SCHOOL EU / AFAM THEATRE ACADEMIES).

Therefore, on July 2, 2014, the ANVUR Directing Council issued a positive opinion pursuant to art. 11 c. 2 DPR 212/05 regarding the application submitted by the International Academy of Theatre in Rome.

On February 1 and 2, 2016, the Educational Regulations Evaluation Commission expressed its favorable opinion towards the International Academy of Theatre.

At the end of the first three-year period since the accreditation of the First Level Academic Diploma Course in Acting, in 2020 the Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (Anvur) once again visited the Academy's facilities, to evaluate the maintenance of the requirements provided by the regulations for the accredited institutions. Therefore, once again, the curricula of the teachers, the standards of the infrastructure both from an architectural and equipment standpoint, as well as the progress of the first Academic Diploma Course started in the A.Y. 2016/17 were evaluated. Therefore, on 23/7/2020 the Anvur Directing Council expressed a positive opinion regarding the maintenance of the cited requirements.

On January 15, 2021, the MIUR approved the modification of the Regulations proposed by the Academy with D.M. 111. The new Regulations provide for the biennial and triennial nature of the fundamental subjects of the First Level Academic Diploma Course in Acting, such as Acting Techniques, Voice Use and Movement Techniques. The program provides, alongside practical study, critical and methodological disciplines necessary to deepen the students' skills (ACTING ACADEMIES - THEATRICAL ACADEMIES - ACTING COURSES)

The INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF THEATRE - ROME SCHOOL OF ACTING, by virtue of Decree no. 251 from the MIUR - AFAM following the positive opinion expressed by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research) and the Substitute Commission of CNAM (Council for Higher Artistic and Musical Education), awards the First Level Academic Diploma in Acting with an order compliant with art. 11 DPR 212/2005 that defines the characteristics of Higher Artistic Education Institutions eligible to issue University Degree Diplomas. (THEATRE ACADEMIES / ACTING SCHOOL / ACTOR) The International Academy of Theatre, the National Academy of Dramatic Art Silvio D'Amico, and the Paolo Grassi School of Theatre are currently the only theatrical institutions in Italy authorized to issue the First Level University Degree in Acting (ACTING ACADEMIES / EU THEATRE SCHOOLS / ITALIAN THEATRE ACADEMIES).