Regione Lazio

The Academy

Diploma Accademico di 1° Livello Equipollente Laurea in Recitazione ai sensi della legge 282/12
A.A. 2024/2025

First Level Academic Diploma Equivalent to a Degree in Acting pursuant to law 282/12

The International Academy of Theatre is one of the most qualified Higher Education Institutions in the international arena and is currently the only Italian theatrical institute, along with the “Silvio D'Amico“ Academy and the “Paolo Grassi” Theatre School, to award the title of Academic Diploma in Acting, equivalent to a Three-Year Degree pursuant to Law 228/12. Specializing in the study of Acting, Theatre/Cinema/Television, with particular reference to Live Performance and Performing Art, since 1984, the International Academy of Theatre prepares the theatre and film actor through a complete course of theoretical/practical study, aimed on one hand at deepening the technique and knowledge of stage languages and on the other hand at developing the personal and creative expression of each student.

The Academy's teachers, personalities with proven experience even internationally, combine the teaching of dramatic art, the use of the voice (diction and singing), expressive body movement (mime and dance) and directing using the most important theatrical pedagogical methodologies of the twentieth century: Lecoq, Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Grotowski, Strasberg.

The Didactic Regulations adopted for the A.Y. 2024/2025 by the International Academy of Theatre - Acting School Rome, meet the labor market demands opening employment opportunities post Academic Diploma ranging from the more strictly performative activities, to teaching, collaboration with social and healthcare facilities, corporate theatre, up to designing and organizing cultural events.

Numerous are also the initiatives aimed at promoting the students' theatrical activity through workshops, essays, and performances open to the public, participation in matinées in schools, in cultural and theatrical competitions, in co-productions with nationally and internationally relevant theatres, as well as collaboration with some of the most important Italian casting agencies. (ACTING ACADEMIES / THEATRE SCHOOL EU / THEATRE ACADEMIES MIUR).



First Level Academic Diploma Equivalent to a Degree 
A.Y. 2024/2025

AdmissionsFor enrollment in the Admission Tests at the International Academy of Theatre, aspiring students must book by phone, starting from September 9, 2024 by contacting the Academy's Educational Office for the Interview and Aptitude Tests which will be held in the Theatre between September 13 and October 7, 2024. Tel: +39/3403215860 - +39/067009692.
On the same day of the Interview, the application form for the Competition Announcement A.Y. 2023/2024 must be signed and the necessary documentation for participation in the selections must be submitted.
The Preparatory Course, aimed at preparing for the performance tests, will be held from October 7 to 17, 2024.
The Performance Tests for aspiring students of the Academic Diploma in Acting course at the International Academy of Theatre, A.Y. 2024/2025, will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at the Teatro Anfitrione.


Accademie di Recitazione - Accademie Riconosciute MIUR - AFAM


The programs of the First Level Academic Diploma in Acting of the International Academy of Theatre are structured with predominantly practical teachings, complemented by theoretical teachings to support academic training.

MIUR Accreditation

The International Academy of Theatre is authorized to issue the First-Level Academic Diploma in Acting (DADPL02) by the Ministry of Education, University, and Researchwith Decree No. 251/16, signed on April 19, 2016 by Minister Stefania Giannini.
The Didactic Regulations of the First-Level Academic Diploma Course in Acting have been updated with D.M. No. 111 of January 15, 2021.

In the evaluation conducted by MIUR, specific verification criteria were applied, assessing the faculty curricula, the alignment of the didactic regulationswith the educational objectives, programmatic agreements with national and international professional realities, as well as the standards of the facilities and technical equipment.
The First-Level Academic Diploma in Acting is equivalent to a universityBachelor's Degree (Class L-3) in D.A.M.S.; Arts, History, Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of Music and Performing Arts; Performing Arts and Communication Disciplines; Design, Management, Communication, and Event Planning for Arts and Culture, for the purpose of admission to public competitions pursuant to Law 228/12. It also allows access to Second-Level Master's Degree Coursesat top university-level Acting Academies in Europe (EQF Level 6). (THEATRE ACADEMIES / ACTING SCHOOLS / THEATRE SCHOOLS).


Teaching, Shows and Reviews of the Theater Academy