Annarita Colucci
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Annarita Colucci
Manipulation and acting with objects - Analysis and dramaturgy - Make-up and costume

Annarita Colucci is an actress, performer, director, author, and theatre instructor. Born in 1987 in Matera, she joined the Permanent Workshop for the Art of Acting at Hermes Teatro Laboratorio, directed by Emilio Andrisani, at a very young age, where she deepened her study and research on ancient tragedy and popular theatre.
In Rome, she graduated as an actress and assistant director from the International Academy and earned a degree in Performing Arts from the University of Rome La Sapienza. She furthered her training by studying at the Kultur University in Istanbul and working with directors and masters, including Emma Dante, Davide Iodice, Alessandro Serra, Lilo Baur (Compagnia Le Bouffes du Nord), Lindsay Kemp, J.J. Lemetre, Mimmo Cuticchio, Vladimir Olshansky, and Marzia Gambardella (Compagnia Philippe Genty).
From 2009 to 2012, she worked with the company Ondadurtoteatro, participating in the most important international theatre festivals in open spaces and squares across Europe, South America, and Asia. In 2012, she founded the Illoco Teatro Company, for which she wrote several plays, including “Le Voci” (winner of O Novissimo Teatro Italiano-Festival Almada 2016, Giovani Direzioni 2017), “Cuntami”, “Lumen” (The best of Last Krapp 2019, Best Show at Festival Contattitere 2021), “U.mani” (Critics' Mention at In Box Verde 2022, Benedetto Ravasio Award 2021), and “Alberi miei” (Ecoscena Award 2023).
She specializes in puppet and narrative theatre, and collaborates with the Department of Arts and Performing Sciences at La Sapienza (for which she directed “Amerika” from Kafka, Rebus, and Il Medico per Forza), overseeing the project “Per fare il teatro che ho sognato” with Prof. Guido Di Palma.
Since 2016, she has been a faculty member in the First Level Academic Diploma Course in Acting at the International Academy of Theatre in Rome, teaching Manipulation and Acting with Objects, Textual Analysis, Costume Design, and Theatrical Makeup. In recent years, she has lived and worked in Rome, collaborating with various companies and European theatrical entities as well as artists and musicians, including Fargo Produzioni. Always faithful to an aesthetic where gesture, object, machine, and movement collaborate to create a dreamlike theatrical suspension, this approach permeates all dimensions of her scenic writing, direction, training, and use of space.