Didier Gallot Lavallée
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Didier Gallot Lavallée
Open air theater

He graduated from the Orleans Institute of Fine Arts in 1975,
continuing his "Theatrical Studies" at the University of Toulouse until
Since 1979 to present, he is a seminar teacher, conducting specialization courses in: Scenography in motion - Materials and forms in space - The costume and disguise in character creation. He teaches Plastic Arts at the universities of Tour and La Rochelle.
In 1979, with director Jean Luc Courcoult, he founded the "Royal de Luxe" Company, one of the world's most important open-air theater groups. Scenographer and actor in the Company for numerous works and events presented around the world: Europe, Australia, Korea, China, Vietnam, Chile, and Africa.
He is the lead actor in the Company's main shows, such as:
- La demi-finale du Waterclash
- Publicité urbain
- Roman Photo
- La Véritable histoire de France
- Cargo 92
- Les embouteillages
- Le Géant tombé du ciel;
- Le péplum
- Dernier voyage
- Retour d’Afrique
- Les Chasseurs de girafes
- Petits contes nègres
- Petits contes chinois
- Le Tréteau des Ménestrels
In 2005, he was the lead actor in the show "The Sultan’s Elephant", inspired by a story by Jules Verne, realized on the centenary of his death, and performed in many countries around the world, starting from London where the event was followed by about a million people and then Nantes, Antwerp, Calais, Santiago de Chile, Reykjavík, etc.
The show, which received unanimous public and international critical acclaim, has been considered one of the greatest and most fascinating works of public art ever created.
In 2011, the company returned to Chile with the show "El Xolo".
Currently, besides teaching, he is engaged in urban scenography projects that involve the recovery and redevelopment of dilapidated urban and peripheral areas, with a particular focus on water gardens and the creation of creative and eco-sustainable spaces.
Moreover, he manages the direction and organization of large parades on the occasion of major cultural events worldwide.