Cinzia Alitto
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Cinzia Alitto
Use of voice and diction

At the age of only 12 years, she began her artistic training in Turin with master Iginio Bonazzi who, after an in-depth work on diction and phonetics, introduced her to the study of acting, especially focusing on classical theater and poetry. After graduating from classical high school, her studies branched into two directions, leading her to a degree in Law and a diploma as an actress from the Stable Theatre of Turin working with Ugo Gregoretti.
Her educational journey continued, and she graduated in dubbing with Marco Mori at Fonoroma in Rome, attended mime stages and interpretative technique in Commedia dell'Arte with Roberto Petrolini in Milan and Turin, poetic reading workshops with Oreste Lionello in Rome, stages on voice and breathing with the renowned phoniatrician Oskar Schindler, further workshops on movement and voice with Gustavo Frigerio, as well as some monothematic studies on the theatrical works of significant authors like Garcìa Lorca, Mallarmé, and Pirandello. Her passion for the art of acting led her to delve into the techniques of psycho-technique and improvisation, attending multi-year stages on the Strasberg Method with Susan Strasberg, multi-year stages on the Stanislavskij System with Dominique De Fazio, and on Grotowski's theatre with Giorgio Locatelli.
Her commitment as a theatre actress has seen her tackling authors such as Luigi Pirandello, Carlo Goldoni, Albert Camus, Jean Girardoux, Harold Pinter, Henrik Ibsen, Stephane Mallarmé, Federico Garcìa Lorca, William Shakespeare, Jean Cocteau, Aristophanes, Euripides. Among the most notable directors who have directed her are Ugo Gregoretti, Ileana Ghione, Iginio Bonazzi, Enzo Garinei, Gianni Mantesi, Bruno Gambarotta, Fernando Balestra, Franco Passatore, Carlo Di Stefano, Francesco Anzalone, Anna Bolens, Bianca Maria Mazzoleni, Stefano Dionisi, Massimiliano Milesi, and Fabrizio Bolaffio.
The great master Pietro Garinei wanted her as an assistant for the preparation and training of some well-known leading actors in his theatrical works, and she still collaborates with the "Sistina" theatre in Rome.
She teaches diction and phonetics, acting and interpretative technique, psycho-technique and improvisation at various Acting Schools in Rome including "Ribalte" directed by Enzo Garinei and "Lim" a school for musical training formerly directed by Rossana Casale and currently by Raffaella Misiti. She is a teacher in advanced training courses in diction, phonetics, and communication at Public Administration Schools, is an acting coach for prose and musical theatre productions.
She has worked in some television dramas such as "Il bello delle donne" directed by Maurizio Ponzi, "Avvocati" directed by Giorgio Ferrara, "Mamma per caso" directed by Sergio Martino, "Dottoressa Giò" directed by Filippo Di Luigi, and in films with Pupi Avati and Massimo Martella. She directs plays for children and periodically is on stage with her music and poetry show "La musica dei pensieri."
She periodically organizes and conducts theatrical workshops throughout Italy.