Luca Negroni
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Luca Negroni
Commedia dell'Arte

He graduated from the "La Scaletta" of Giovanbattista Diotaiuti, where he was taught by, among others, Antonio Pierfederici and Orazio Costa, and attended the "Drammastudio" theatre courses in Milan led by Enrico D’Alessandro.
In 1990, he made his theatre debut with "Les enfants terribles" by J. Cocteau. Since then, he has been involved in many theatrical works (from Les Misérables and Lucrezia Borgia by V. Hugo, to A Midsummer Night's Dream by W. Shakespeare, to the recent Poliziano by E.A. Poe), and has collaborated with numerous actors and directors (P. Leroy, F. Benedetti, G. Fortebraccio, A. Martino, A. Mazzamauro, A. Salines, A. Innocenti, N. Mascia, L. Poli, C. Alighiero, M. Mesturino, F. Oppini). After many years with the Cotta-Alighiero company, where he participated in almost all productions as both an actor and assistant director, he toured with L. De Filippo from 2003 to 2018.
In recent years, he has been involved in various productions that have taken him to major Italian cities. Among his recent performances are "La Finta Ammalata" by C. Goldoni, "C'è un cadavere in giardino" by N. Foster, "Cocktail per tre" by S. Moncada, and "Bellezza Orsini: la costruzione di una strega" by M. di Sivo, a theatrical adaptation by S. Giordani. He has also worked as an actor in several film and television productions, collaborating with directors L. Casadio, A. Longhi, R. Pacini, N. Molino, T. Del Colle, and F. Gastaldo.
He has also worked in many productions as an assistant director, an experience that has led in recent years to his first directorial roles in the productions "Il mistero del libro scomparso" based on commedia dell'arte scenarios, "La Pupilla" by C. Goldoni, "Le Nuvole" by Aristophanes, "Gaia terra di mezzo" by and with S. Ventura, "A Report to an Academy" by F. Kafka, "Ada Byron" with actress D. Bisconti, and "The Three Musketeers" by P. Ammendola and N. Pistoia.
Parallel to his work in theatre as an actor and director, he has deepened his study of Commedia dell'Arte, participating in numerous performances and festivals in Italy and abroad, and has been teaching for several years, holding seminars in various theatre schools, including that of master G. Diotaiuti, the Artès school of E. Brignano, the Sharoff, the Parioli Academy, and at the Accademia Arte nel Cuore, which is dedicated to training professionals in theatre, music, and dance for people with disabilities.
He has been teaching in post-graduate professional courses for Actors and Assistant Directors at the International Academy of Theatre since the 2009/2010 academic year.