Arcangelo Iannace
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Arcangelo Iannace
Acting - Acting and new media

He graduated in 1992 from the Università Popolare dello Spettacolo di Napoli, directed by Ernesto Calindri; the L.I.S.A., in Rome directed by G. B. Diotajuti (1995) and the International School of Theatre in Rome (1998).
He furthered his studies as an actor: 2002 to 2007 workshops for actors on Strasberg techniques, with Geraldine Baron (Actors' Studio, N.Y.); 2005-2006 stage on Interpretative and Visual Arts of Cinema and Theatre, with Doris Hicks (Rome); 2006 actor workshop "Work on character" with Susan Batson (Rome); 2006 Lee Strasberg method with Francesca Viscardi; 2007 actor workshop "Dream and Character Work", with Elizabeth Kemp (Rome); 2002 to 2005 Professional training course at the Bont's International School (Ibiza); 2003 with Duccio Camerini Technique of Narrative and Contemporary Narrative; 2006 with Pierre Byland he worked on "The Search for Your Own Poetic Humor"; 2009 stage Strasberg Method with Elizabeth Kemp.
Since 2000, he has been teaching at the "International School of Theatre," now the "International Academy of Theatre," applying the Strasberg method to cinematic and television acting techniques.
Since '92 he has combined artistic activity as a theater actor with a specific focus on cinema and television, including: 1992 "Il Turno di Pirandello" (directed by E. Calindri); 1996 "Assassinio nella cattedrale" by T. E. Eliot (directed by T. Pierfederici); 1997 "Pensavo fosse amore invece erano ormoni" (written and directed by A. Angelici); 1999 "Le maschere nel baule" (written and directed by A. Giulietti); 2000 "Leder di Shuman" by G. Loffarelli (L. Monti Festival Riviera di Ulisse); 2002 "Il Tartufo" by Molière (directed by M. Cimpanelli); 2003 "Orienti" (written and directed by D. Cemerini); 2008 "Dignità autonome di prostituzione" directed by L. Melchionna; 2009 "L'ultima notte di pace" (written and directed by F.Zanni) 2010 "Kamikaze napoletano" (directed by F. Frangipane) "Oedipus on the Top" (written and directed by D. Camerini); 2011 "L'ultimo treno" (directed by Elodie Treccani), La marcolfa (directed by C. Simoni); 2013 "Come tu mi vuoi" (directed by F. Zecca); 2014 "Gabbiano" (directed by F. Gili); 2015 "Tre sorelle"; 2015/2016 "Leo" (directed by F. Frangipane), "Angeli" (directed by F. Gili), "Misantropo" (directed by F. Frangipane); 2016/2017 "È un processo irreversibile" (directed by F. Zecca); 2019/2021 "7 anni" and "Kamikaze napoletano" (directed by F. Frangipane); "Al di là del muro" (directed by S. Marcotullio). In 2011, he founded, together with F. Spaziani and M. Bevilacqua, the In Estremaratio company, with which he created a series of short films and the theater productions "Picu, io sono l'eroe", "Bestie" and "Saggia questo".
In cinema he worked in "Biuti Quin Olivia" (directed by Federica Martino, Prod. Diana Film 2001); 2006 "Sangre
de Perro" (directed by L. D'Agostini 2007); "Scusa ma ti voglio sposare" (F. Moccia 2009); "Dalla vita in poi"
(Directed by G. Lazzotti 2010); "I Peggiori" (Directed by V. Alfieri 2016).
From 2000 to today, he
has worked in various TV series for Mediaset and Rai and Netflix, such as:
"Incantesimo" (directed by A. Cane); "Via Zanardi 33" (directed by S. Serafini); 2005 "Don Pietro Pappagallo"
(directed by G. Albano); "Gente di Mare" and "Joe Petrosino" (directed by A. Peyretti); 2006 "Ris" (directed by A.
Sweet); 2007 "Distretto di polizia" (directed by Capone); "Questa è la mia terra" (directed by E. Mertes); "La Terza
Verità" (directed by S. Reali); "Codice Aurora" (directed by P. Bianchini); "Crimini Bianchi" (Mediaset); 2010 "L'
Ombra del mistero" (directed by P. Belloni); 2011 "Squadra antimafia" (Mediaset); "Commissario Rex" (Rai);
2012 "La Farfalla granata" (directed by P. Poeti); 2016-2019 "I bastardi di Pizzofalcone" (directed by C. Carlei),
"Squadra Antimafia" (Mediaset); 2017 "L'Aquila grandi speranze" (directed by M. Risi) and "Don Matteo 11" (directed
by J.M. Michelini, R. Androsiglio, A. Sweet); 2018 "Una pallottola nel cuore 3" (directed by L. Manfredi); 2021
"Mr. Ripley" (directed by S. Zaillian) Netflix series; 2022 "La Storia" (directed by F. Archibugi),
"La lunga notte" (directed by G. Campiotti), both for RAI1 and "Kami" series in 16 episodes for Eulab
In 2021, he was the director of the play "Eroi di quartiere" and later of
"iSupEroi" projects in collaboration with MIUR Mibac; he directed the web series "Il viaggio di Dante nell'Inferno
prime cure" and "Kami2".