Roberto Andolfi
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Roberto Andolfi
Interpretation - Use of voice and diction

He began his theatrical training at a young age of 14, studying with director Filippo D'Alessio, focusing particularly on classic texts and the use of voice; in 2008, he graduated as an "Actor" from the International School of Theatre.
He deepened his study as an actor by attending workshops and stages such as: Literacy Workshop in Commedia dell'Arte led by Manuel Fiorentini, "The White Rose" workshop led by Maurizio Donadoni, Workshop on Breathing and Diction led by Stefano Lantufi, diction and acting workshop led by Cinzia Mirasolo, Course on Absurd Theatre led by Manuel Fiorentini, Choral Singing Course led by Dr. Stefano Cucci, and Comic Theatre Workshop led by Pierre Byland.
Since 2003, he has acted with various theatre companies and in various shows including: "My Infinite" by E.Dickinson directed by F.D'Alessio, "The Intellectuals" by Molière, directed by F.D'Alessio as part of the "Theatrical Walks" project promoted by the Province of Rome, "Arlecchino Servant of Two Masters", "The Evening at Colonus" by E. Morante directed by F.D'Alessio, "Cyrano" by E.Rostand, "Romeo and Juliet", directed by R.Mancini, "The Bald Soprano" by E.Ionesco directed by M.Fiorentini, "Prospero's Visions" and "Tivúcumprá" directed by S.Marcotullio, "MONSTER!" written and directed by M.Fiorentini, “Aire” by M.Paciotti, “Crash Flight” by M.Paciotti.
Since 2009, he has been teaching at the “International School of Theatre” now “International Academy of Theatre” Techniques of Scenic Relationship, Comic Techniques, Prosody and Narratology.
He is the director of several shows including: "Yerma", "Who the Bell Tolls For", "The Rest is Silence", "Fables... and not...".
Since 2008, he has been on tour in Italy, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany with the
show “Clownarchy”, for which he is director and lead actor in the show "Shakespeare's
Tales" directed by R.Mancini.
In 2012, he presented at the “La Vittoria”
theatre in Ostra the show “Like a fish in sparkling water” for which he handled writing
and direction.
In 2014, he founded, with Annarita Colucci and Adriano Dossi, Illoco Theatre starting a research on contemporary theatrical language and scenic movement.
For Illoco Theatre company, he writes and directs the shows “Cùntami”, “Fantasy carry me away”, “The version of Shlomo”, and “The voices” (also presented at the Almada Festival in Portugal), “Thoughts on what is mine” and “Track 2”, with which he participates in important National and International Contemporary Theatre Festivals.
Since 2015, he collaborates with the Department of Arts and Performing Sciences of the University of Rome La Sapienza, for which in 2017 he held a Masterclass on theatre teaching and a course on comedy and humor.