Deianira Dragone
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Deianira Dragone
Epic acting, improvisation techniques

She began her theatrical journey by participating in various training courses including:
'94 experimental theatre workshop with Catie Marchand from the Living Theatre;
'95 theatre-dance workshop with Lindsay Kemp; diction and
acting workshop with Clarizio Di Ciaula.
Alongside her training phase, she collaborated as an actress with the Compagnia di Teatro
delle Vigne of Genova until '96.
In '97, she attended the body expression workshop "To Remember to Play" held by Gerard Tupinier (Castellana Grotte); in '99, she graduated from the S.I.T. of Rome,, a Two-Year Professional Training for Actors; body expression workshop led by Hal Yamanouchi; teacher training course held by Josef Marmsoler and Sigrid Federspiel at the Center for the Harmonic Development of Man (Assisi); in 2000, professional training course at the Bont’s International School (Ibiza); 2001, the Vocal Body workshop with Yves Le Breton at the Teatro Club of Catania; Materials and Forms in Space with Didier Gallot Lavallée (Actor- Scenographer of the French company Royal de Luxe). In 2008, she attended a dance and body expression course led by Michela Lucenti, 2011 seminar on staging by Danio Manfredini 2012 seminar on dramaturgy by Maurizio Schmidt, teacher at the Paolo Grassi school of dramatic art.
Since 2004, she has been teaching at the "International School of
Theatre" now "International Academy of Theatre" epic acting and
improvisation techniques.
In 2000, she founded the cultural association Il
Duende, of which she is president. Since 2002, she has been conducting theatrical courses collaborating with
various public institutions such as: the University of Bari and the Public Education Department of Brescia. Meanwhile, she continues her activity as an
actress collaborating with various theatre companies: (Teatro Club of
Catania, Teatro Aenigma of Urbino; Teatro Kismet Opera of Bari) and with several directors
including Carlo Formigoni, where she acts in shows: The Circle of
Chalk (based on Bertold Brecht's work) and Little Red Riding Hood.
She writes, directs, and performs in various shows that she presents in 2006 to the expedition of Theatre without borders in Laos and Cambodia and in 2007 in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and from 2008 to 2011 in numerous Italian theatre festivals.
The collaboration with the Teatro Kismet Opera company (Bari) began in 2007, performing all over Italy with the shows "Witches' Stories", "Puss in Boots" and "Bones" (directed by L.Zotti), "The Princess on the Pea", (directed by L.Zotti), "Badù king indeed lion" (directed by L.Zotti).
In 2013, with the company Il Duende, she was author and performer of the theatre show "I Eat".
In 2014, with the international company "La Santa Rodilla" she acted in the theatre show "Manologias".