Maria Sara Amenta
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Maria Sara Amenta
Interpretation - Use of voice and diction

Maria Sara Amenta began studying classical and contemporary dance in Catania in 2000 until 2013, under V. Benvenuto and Flaminio Galluzzo. After completing her classical studies, she attended various acting courses, including: “L’attore atleta del cuore” led by V. Attingenti, Progetto S.E.T.A. led by S. Laviano, and “Il potere dell’attore” led by I. Chubbuck in Rome. During the same years, she worked on several theatrical productions in her hometown: as an actress in “Sade prossimo mio”; in “Die Hamletmaschine” by Heiner Müller, directed by G. Carbone; and as an assistant director in “Psicosi delle 4 e 48” by Sarah Kane, directed by G. Carbone.
In 2019, she earned her First Level Academic Diploma in Acting, equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, and a professional acting diploma authorized by the Lazio Region at the International Academy of Theatre in Rome. After graduating, she furthered her studies in acting techniques by participating in various workshops: “a passo sospeso” seminar led by Emma Dante, Palermo; “L’attore senza spettacolo” seminar with Roberto Latini, Lecce; “Il monologo: confessione di pensiero” seminar with Elena Arvigo, Rome; “Blasted” seminar with Pierpaolo Sepe at the Teatro La Basilica - Rome; “Danza poetica e movimento consapevole” seminar with G. Rossi, Venice; and a film acting workshop with A. Martelli.
In 2017, she acted in “I Persiani” by Aeschylus, directed by A. Colucci, produced by Identità mediterranee.
In 2019, she acted in “Al di là del muro” directed by S. Marcotullio, produced by Teatro Eliseo, Rome.
Since 2020, she has participated as an actress in the following productions: “Le Baccanti” directed by S. Ponzo - Rome, “Pop Corn Show” directed by D’angelo, Di Raffaele, Sileci - Rome, and “Timeline” directed by I. Cannello, L. Mangiafico - Rome.
Since 2021, she has co-led the Acting and Acting and Voice workshops at the International Academy of Theatre with M. Pantani.
In 2022, she co-directed “Nozze di sangue” with M. Pantani, and in the same year, she oversaw the adaptation of “La stirpe di Tebe” for the Festival dei Teatri Mediterranei – Formia.
In 2023, she co-directed “E’ solo Amleto” with M. Pantani for the Spring Festival of the International Academy of Theatre, and in the same year, she acted in the play “Il Minotauro” for the Festival dei Teatri Mediterranei - Formia.
In 2024, she co-directed “Lieber Hamlet” with Matteo Pantani for the Spring Festival of the International Academy of Theatre and also participated as an actress at the Festival Internazionale di Mirabilia - Cuneo 2024. In the same year, she co-wrote, directed, and acted in the new production of Opificio 03 titled “Io ero una Troiana” with M. Pantani.