Clair Howells
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Clair Howells
Verse and prose

In 1978, he graduated in psychology at the University of Melbourne.
In 1980, he specialized in French literature at the Sorbonne in Paris.
He graduated in 1984 from the Experimental Theater Center in Rome.
In 1985, he graduated from the Philippe Gaulier School in Paris specializing in le Jeu, le Masque Neutre, and le Bouffons.
In 1986, he graduated from the SIT in Rome.
From 1985 to 1989, he was an actor in the International Theater Company in the shows: "The Creation of the World", "Delirium", "Cinemeló", "Waterloo".
In 1990, he founded the "Theater Titanik" Company with Uwe Köhler, which has produced numerous shows presented at major International Festivals in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America since then.
Since 1998, he has directed workshops for actors with the production of the Theater Titanick company, and is also a lecturer at the Institute for Theater Education at the University of Osnabrück; he holds seminars at Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh (USA), Swinburne College (Australia), Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile, and the University of Edinburgh (UK).
From 2011 to 2012, he directed seminars at FAIAR (Formation Avancée et Itinérante des Arts de la Rue) in Marseille.
He is the curator of the Open Air Festival Flurstücke in Münster. Since 2006, he is a founding member of the German Federation Theater in Public Spaces (Bundesverband Theater im Öffentlichen Raum) and has been its president since 2012. He is also a founding member and president since 2015 of the IFAPS (International Federation for Arts in Public Spaces).
Since 1990, he has been an actor in the "Theater Titanik" Company in shows: “Titanic”, “Firebirds”, “Odyssey”, “Symphonie Des Fourneaux”, “Sonnambulo”, “Unter Strom”, “Insect”, “Treibgut”, "Alice on the Run" presented worldwide.