Marco Chenevier
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Marco Chenevier
Elements of modern and contemporary dance - Physical training

From 2002 to 2010, he was an assistant to Isaac Alvarez at the Théâtre du Moulinage in Lussas,
France. After obtaining his diploma from the International Academy of Theatre in
2004, he began his dance training, completing a three-year program at the "Filomarino" school in
Rome with Annapaola Bacalov.
Immediately interested in choreographic composition, he developed a research path
that straddles genres, exploring the boundaries between the languages of dance and theatre. In 2005,
he found the ideal place to develop his research in TIDA, an artistic project of which he is the director, supported
by the Education and Culture Department of the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta and MIBACT – the Ministry of
Cultural Heritage and Activities.
He has directed fifteen productions since its founding, among the most
recent: 2013 "Medea Reloaded," 2015 "Quintetto," 2016 "Piccole Donne," 2017 "Saremo bellissimi e giovanissimi sempre
– Eckhart Project," with which he has been invited to various festivals, including: International Ancient Greek
Drama Festival (Cyprus), Saison Culturelle d'Aoste (Italy), Barhat Rang Mahotsav Festival (India), Teatro Superga di
Nichelino – Piemonte Theatre Circuit (Italy), Festival VD'A – Voci dell'Anima (Italy), Torino Fringe Festival
(Italy), Peraspera Festival (Italy), International Festival of Sarajevo – Sarajevo Winter Festival (Bosnia) – first
prize for contemporary dance, Festival Marató de l'Espectacle (Spain), Pflasterspektakel Festival in Linz (Austria),
Festival di Namyangju (South Korea), Zdarzenia Festival de Tchew (Poland), Mediterranean Games (Italy), Spazi
d'Ascolto (Italy), Settembre in Danza (Italy), Torino Spiritualità (Italy), Festival Il sacro attraverso l'ordinario
(Italy), Differenti Sensazioni (Italy).
In 2016, his encounter with Roberto Castello revealed an intellectual affinity that led, in 2017, to a collaboration on the production "questo lavoro sull'arancia," resulting in a merger between the structures of TiDA and ALDES.
He has worked as a dancer and actor in various companies in Italy and France: in 2005 for Teatro
Gruppo di Roma, between 2008 and 2012 for Cie Groupe Approche in Ardèche, in 2011
for Marika Rizzi in Paris, in 2012 for Cie Ballanfa and Sinequanon in Paris and for Grimaco in
Turin, in 2015 for Romeo Castellucci, and between 2012 and 2015 for Cie CFB451
within the CNN of Roubaix: Carolyn Carlson, Cie Lolita Espin Anadon, Les Eclats, and in 2015 for
Cindy Van Acker.
He is also involved in the artistic direction of events, including the "Morg-Ex Machina"
Festival, the "Roma Street Art Festival" (2011, 2012), the itinerant exhibition "Le marmotte non dormono," and other
special projects.
Since 2016, he has been the artistic director of the "T*danse" Festival in Aosta, winner of
the "Funder35" grant. He is a choreographer and dancer, and artistic director for Cie Les 3 Plumes.
In 2021, he obtained the Équivalences de l’examen d’aptitude technique (EAT) and Unités d’enseignement théoriques (musical training, anatomy-physiology, dance history).
He is a professor at the International Academy of Theatre in Rome.