Tiziana Santercole
Accademia Riconosciuta
MIUR DM 251/16
Tiziana Santercole
Singing - Choral singing

She graduated in 1993 in Music Theory and Solfège, spoken and sung, at the Luigi Canepa Music Conservatory of Sassari. At the same institute, she studied choral singing with the director of the L. Canepa polyphonic choir of Sassari.
In 2000, she earned a diploma as an “Actress” and “Theatrical Assistant Director” at the S.I.T. in Rome, Professional Training Triennium; she studied polyphonic singing at the “Coro Guinizelli” directed by maestro Alberto Antinori in Rome. She deepened her study on comedy and comic timing, graduating from the Bont's International School in Ibiza in 2002. Also in Spain, in 2003, she attended a “Contact improvisation” dance workshop led by Encarna de las Heras. In 2004, she participated in workshops on “parodic clowning” and “comic theatre” held by Emmanuel Gallot Lavallée.
In 2009, she graduated in D.A.M.S. from the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Rome 3, where in 2010 she followed the Master's “Writing, translation, and communication in the professions of the web, cinema, and television”. In 2011, she attended a dubbing course with Leslie La Penna.
Since 2001 she teaches at the “International School of Theatre”, now “International Academy of Theatre” singing and musical literacy.
She specialized at the University of Tor Vergata in the teaching of singing and musical composition, following courses in Theory and analysis of music, Harmony and counterpoint, and Psychology of music. She obtained his qualification to teach music in lower and upper secondary schools at the University of Roma Tre.
In 2012, she taught the History of Dance and Mime course at the CEPU University Studies Center
Since 2002 to date, she has conducted theatrical workshops in some junior high schools in Rome, such as the “I. Svevo” and the “Momsen”, and teaches diction and voice education at the cultural association “Genti e Paesi” of Rome.
In 2005, she worked as an actress in various theatrical shows including “Oresteia 21” at the India theatre of Rome, “Macbeth kills - a grotesque tale” at the Namyangju Arts Festival (South Korea) and founded together with Marco Paciotti and Lorenzo Pasquali the Ondadurto Teatro company.
Since 2000, she has been an actress in shows: 2005 “A Certain Mr. De Molière” (directed by M. Paciotti), “Life of Galileo” (directed by I. Danovaro), 2006 "Felliniana" (directed by M. Paciotti) 2008 “Drom... to be wind” (directed by M. Paciotti and L. Pasquali) 2009 “Orlando Furioso” (directed by M. Paciotti), 2010 “Pulcinella Goes to War” (directed by M. Paciotti), “Family Format” (directed by S. Scaramella and M. Giovannetti), "The Secret of the Old Woods" (by G. Davino), 2013 "Women and mafia" (directed by S. De Nichilo). Nel 2018 è attrice nello spettacolo “Terra mia” rappresentato al teatro La MaMa di New York con la regia di M. Paciotti.